Friday, February 7, 2020 . • . 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Join Marilyn as she leads a special heart opening vinyasa practice to not only create space and release in our physical bodies but also our storage of emotion.

The first Friday of every February which is designated as American Heart Month, is National Wear Red Day® We wear red to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease and save lives!

We encourage you to WEAR RED during practice for awareness - give for the mothers, sisters and friends that you can’t bear to live without.

*The American Heart Association’s signature women’s initiative, Go Red for Women, is a comprehensive platform designed to increase women’s heart health awareness and serve as a catalyst for change to improve the lives of women globally.

$10 suggested donation cash/check only made out to American Heart Association

Sign up on MINDBODY or the workshop/events section of our website.