March 14, 2020 from 1:30pm - 3:00pm

Karla McGuire, an Ayurvedic Health counselor, 200 RYT, and Firefly yoga practitioner will be here to share her knowledge about this ancient holistic health science.

Workshop includes:
-description of the 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha)
-discovering your unique dosha to assist in making decisions for your personal health 
-harmony with nature and the 5 elements

About Ayuervea:
Have you heard of Ayurveda and the doshas vata, pitta, kapha? In this workshop you will learn why this ancient holistic health science is gaining popularity in the west. This sister science to yoga is nearly 5000 years old, yet it is still relevant today. This health care system teaches harmony with nature and the 5 elements. Ayurveda believes that health and wellness are only achieved through balancing the mind, body and spirit. Ayurvedic recommendations are based on a person’s unique constitution of vata, pitta and kapha. In this workshop, you will learn about the 3 doshas and how to use that information to make better decisions for your health. The spring equinox is right around the corner and is the perfect time for a cleanse. Learn how Ayurveda’s mono-diet cleanse can help detox the body and reset the digestive system. Cleansing can help you feel lighter and return vitality & mental clarity

Bring a notebook and pen for note-taking. Various products such as oils, herbs and supplies for the cleanse will also be available for purchase. Karla is an Ayurvedic health counselor & yoga teacher. She is available for private Ayurvedic health consultations and yoga sessions.

Consultations include a comprehensive intake form covering items such as current diet, exercise habits, medical & family history. With consent, Karla will analyze your tongue and fingernails to look for underlying conditions. She’ll also take your Ayurvedic pulse to determine your “prakruti” (unique constitution of vata, pitta and kapha when you were born) and your “vikruti” (current state of the doshas). Once the imbalances are discovered, she will make diet, lifestyle and herbal recommendations to help bring you back into balance.

Cost: $25

How to register: Book at the studio, or on your own through the MINDBODY app which can be accessed through the “workshop” section on our homepage.